By Pet Wisdom on December 29, 2013 Good for Dry Fragile Skin I have very dry skin and suffer from bad eczema in the winter. This lotion moistens the outer layer of my hands and moistens them. Without the use of this product, my hands would have discoloration and hurt from dryness. The other great thing about this product is that it is affordable. By Jayne Adler on December 15, 2013 Great Lotion this is a great product for my dry, chapped winter skin. great as a face lotion also. smells great with no horrid perfume smell or sensitivity. has just a faint scent of the rose water and glycerin that my mom bought and used when I was a kid. unable to find this product in the stores here, I had to order it. more expensive with the shipping charges but still worth it.
By David D. on December 15, 2014 Fantastic lotion I never used to use any moisturizing lotion of any sort. Then I moved to Utah with my girlfriend, and winters here changed everything - they're so insanely dry, and this stuff is a lifesaver. It's incredibly effective, and not really cheap feeling at all - the lotion is surprisingly thick. It's not scented so far as I can tell, and smells pretty neutral (important for me, as sometimes strong scents can aggravate my migraines). I've never had any issues with it, and it certainly does work as well as any other lotion I've used. My girlfriend - much, much more experienced than I with such products - sings it's praises. She uses this *everywhere* (including her face, which I've thus far avoided), and we've gotten in the habit of buying several of these at a time. Like others here, we've found that you can purchase these for $1 at the dollar store, or in a case of 12 on Dollar Tree's website (for $12, naturally); the pricing here isn't really all that competitive. I would suggest that, instead of purchasing these, buy the 10oz tubes. They're a slightly better deal (both are sold for $1 at the dollar store), and are also slightly easier to use. By CarmenDMV on October 6, 2014 Low Price but Not Low Quality I love this lotion. I recall reading about it on an eczema forum and I saw it at the Dollar Store. I moisturize several times throughout the day and this is what I use. Keeps my skin supple when my eczema is under control. The EFAs included are what eczema sufferers need in their skin. I will be purchasing several more bottles. I like this better than Renew Intensive Skin Therapy from Melaleuca and it is significantly cheaper and easier to purchase. Trust me, I buy just about anything recommended for eczema and have wasted a lot of money. Great product. Do not be scared of the low price. By Vikki Hallen VINE VOICE on September 9, 2014 Multi use for me, :) I love this stuff. I swim, get too much sun, probably don't drink enough water and certainly have dry skin anyway, but put this on after showering and the next morning you are still can feel the difference on your skin! I even started putting it on my forehead and right on the top of my cheekbones... Anywhere lower I may break out so haven't tried there but I would if I could! By JCon January 4, 2015 A great product. Really helps dry skin Not sold in stores any more but its a great product. Really helps dry skin. So thankful I found this on Amazon By Zoeon December 15, 2014 Amazing! This product is amazing! I use this for my eczema and for my skincare regimen. It's actually overpriced here, on Amazon. I literally pay $1 at dollar tree. I buy them,in quantities of 5 because this lotion is that good and I'm on the go often. Great product!