CAUSES OF DRY SKIN AND EFFECTIVE TREATMENTS WITH DERMASILWater is the most drying influence on the human skin! Although it sounds like it should help dry skin, it really washes off the necessary skin oils that retain your skin's moisture. This natural moisture makes the skin supple and soft. The repeated cleansing removes skin's natural oil layer, allowing evaporation of skin's water, which, in turn, leaving it dry. Xerosis was not a problem until recent year because people did not bath or shower as often. Other causes of dry skin include;
Xerosis is a very common, non-infectious condition which occurs with greater frequency during the Fall and Winter months of the year, usually because of the low himidity and most of all, too frequent bathing. In fact, excess bathing is the most frequent cause of skin dryness and itching. During cooler weather and perious of excess bathing, the skin dries out progressively. Xerosis has even gained the nickname “Winter |tch" due its worsening nature during the Winter. Xerosis is usually found in areas of the body where oil glands are not numerous such as the arms, legs and trunk area. This
problem is by no means confined to one age group or sex. It is
found in young children, teenagers, middle -aged, and the
elderly. HOW TO HELP TREAT DRY SKIN So what can you do about your dry skin? Prevent baths and showers from making dry skin worse;
Wear Gloves. Hands are often the first place people notice dry skin. You can reduce dry hands by putting on gloves before you;
Stay warm without getting up close to a fireplace or other heat source. Add moisture to the air by using a humidifier. If nothing you have tried has helped make your skin feeling better be sure to see a dermatologist. Extremely dry skin can require a prescription. Dry skin can also be a sign of another skin condition that needs treatment. A dermatologist can examine your skin and explain what you can do to help reduce your discomfort. Frequently Asked Dry Skin Questions |