Dry Skin Advanced Treatment for Even the Driest of Skin
Dermasil Labs has developed Dermasil Advanced Treatment, as a powerful extra-dry skin healing moisturizer and an exceptional safeguard against skin aging.
Fortified with Vitamins E & B3, this scientifically formulated, nutrient-rich lotion supplies four different component elements, each of them proven to control and prevent severe dry skin:
Indications Suitable for extra-dry skin, and control of symptoms such as chapping, cracking, flaking, roughness, redness, soreness, and the itching associated with dry skin. Recommendations
Active Ingredient In addition to the Dry Skin Advanced Skin Treatment formulation, Dermasil is also available in Original and Sensitive Skin Treatment. Varieties. In addition to the Dry Skin Advanced Skin Treatment formulation, Dermasil is also available in Original and Sensitive Skin Treatment.. Varieties. |